Thursday, April 23, 2009

Touching a Life

I find that its mostly difficult to accept the truth that is not always easy to be a blessing to the people around me. When was the last time you had a chance to touch someone’s heart that make him/her rethinking again about the purposes her/is life?
It happened to me just a few days ago when I visited an old lady with a ventilator to assist her breathing. All of you who are in medical field could imagine what I mean here. The ventilator is needed whenever your throat and lungs cannot really cooperate to each other anymore and one is needed in order to let the other functioned at its present's stages.
I mean, this was a taught lady with all her brave to face her lonely life. Literally she's got all points that make us down. Having no more husband, left by her closest first daughter years before due to brain cancer. On the other hands, she's got 12 children, all are now grown ups with their own families. Amidst all her aging life she still keen to face it all by herself. For years she passes through the days with no one helping her at her house even just to the dishes. Not to mention doing the washing, mopping the floor, making up her bed, and cleaning up her house, she does it all by herself.
How do I know this? Its her youngest son telling me proudly about her strong mother yet now lying on the bed struggling with the diseases.
I am honoured by the chance to meet such a strong and hard-headed woman. She reminds me of how a person like me supposed to have a strong believe and life's principles. She lives with all her strong life's principles that she doesn't need any help to do all the possible things she can handle. She is proud to do all small things with her own hands and refuse any assistance from maids offered by her children. She is a person who believes that all your hands and feet are prepared to make you move and possible doing all things you can do.
How many of us, sorry to say, are too reluctant to move ourselves doing households and small things like the old lady does. Most of the time we tend to ask and offer all our simple things to be done by others.
I vividly remember years ago when I and my wife decided to rise our children by ourselves. We know that there will be risks following. The risk of having less time for social activities because we need to spend more time at home rather than joining many club's activities. The risk of being with them during the weekend without being easy to go to some places we like. Nevertheless, what surprises us today is (its now almost 6 years since we made the decision) that there were so many things we could learn and unlearnt during all those time.
At least both of us knew how difficult it was and that now some of our character is visible to each of our kids. Now we see what does it mean by the words that say 'like father like son' (and its elaboratable to 'like mother like daughter') both in positive and negative sides.
Today, days after visiting the woman I mentioned earlier, her life's principles as told by the son, has marked its own line into mine, that I need to stand strongly to what I believe as a good and Godly principles to live my life. She, in her bed, touches a memorable mark to me.
The question now is, have you ever think that whatever you are doing now, it will make a mark into someone's life. Good or bad marks, others will decide.
Despite all this, I remember what David De Haan, the Director of RBC Ministry and the son of RBC's founder says below:
We don’t live unto ourselves
We’re part of one another
For good or ill we touch a life
Of sister, friend, and brother.
Make sure that all we do touch people's life amazingly.

Jakarta, April 2009

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